Terms & Conditions​

This policy outlines the position of IT-IQ Botswana as it relates to terms & conditions for training and testing at our institution.

This policy applies to all courses and certification exams on offer at IT-IQ Botswana and is applicable to both corporate clients and individual members of the public.

Training Coordinator: Responsible for executing terms and conditions for training.
Test Center Administrator: Responsible for executing terms and conditions for exams.
Operations Director: Has overall oversight for this policy.

4.1.1. Candidates will be registered and screened in accordance with all Government requirements.
4.1.2. IT-IQ Botswana reserves the right to check the temperature of both training and testing candidates and deny entry should the temperature be recorded as ≥ 37.4°C.
4.1.3. Before you’re admitted to the test center or attend training, you should be ready to respond to the following statements and will be asked to reschedule if you are unable to answer affirmatively: You don’t have COVID-19 or reason to believe you have COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. In the past 14 days, you haven’t come into close contact—within six feet—with someone who’s had a positive COVID-19 test or is presumed to have COVID-19. To your knowledge, you’re not violating any travel restrictions or quarantining requirements. You agree to wear a mask the entire time you’re at this test site and follow instructions from testing staff. By entering the testing or training room, you’re accepting the risk of COVID-19 exposure. While we’ve taken measures to help create a safe environment, it isn’t possible to eliminate all risks.
4.1.4. IT-IQ Botswana reserves the right to request a candidate reschedule their exam or training should they visibly have a persistent cough, runny nose, or any other symptoms indicative of a contagious disease. The organisation will accept a doctor’s note or COVID-19 negative test result (Not older than 72 hrs.) as evidence of not having a contagious disease.

4.2.1. Exams must be booked at least three working days in advance.
4.2.2. An exam registration form should be completed by each candidate for every exam written.
4.2.3. Payment is due upon registration, and no exam will be booked until the test has been paid for in full.
4.2.4. Should a candidate NOT be unable to sit their exams for any reason, written notice of their cancellation MUST be received at least 48 hours in advance for Microsoft exams and 24 hours in advance for all other exams. No refunds will be given for no-shows or late cancellations.
4.2.5. Candidates must adhere to the requirements from the testing body and/or Pearson VUE for any reschedule or cancellations.
4.2.6. An MCP identification number MUST be provided if a candidate has previously written ANY Microsoft exam through either Prometric or VUE. Same applies for CompTIA and CISCO exams.
4.2.7. If a candidate is more than 15 minutes late for his/her scheduled exam, he/she may have to wait until a workstation becomes available.
4.2.8. IT-IQ Botswana is not responsible for a candidate booking an incorrect exam, and he/she will have to either write the booked exam or forfeit his/her payment.
4.2.9. Exam administrators do not have a list of pass marks for examinations as they change without prior notification.
4.2.10. Candidate certificates are issued by the certification body and IT-IQ Botswana is not responsible and neither has any control over any of these. Candidates also may incur an additional charge for any hard copy certification requests.
4.2.11. Occasionally we do experience problems with the downloading of exams due to circumstances beyond our control. In such a case every effort is made to rectify such problems timeously. However, in cases where delays occur, we reserve the right to reschedule exams if necessary.
4.2.12. Only Company Cheques and bank guarantee Personal cheques will be accepted.
4.2.13. Any exams booked must be taken within 3 months from the date of booking else the booking will be void. No refunds will be given for NOT taking exams within the specified period.

4.3.1. All course delegates are required to register for the particular class they enrolled for by completing the registration form on the first day of attendance. Courses run to a strict timetable and it is important that delegates arrive on time. It is at the discretion of management to allow delegates to attend a course after course commencement.
4.3.2. It is the responsibility of the delegate to ensure that they satisfy the pre-requisite requirements for the course they are booked to attend.
4.3.3. All physical courses to be conducted at the IT-IQ Botswana Training center located at Plot 68, Unit 8, Commerce Park. Courses start at 08h30 daily until 16h30 unless communicated otherwise.
4.3.4. All learners are required to abide by the learner code of conduct that is displayed in all training rooms.
4.3.5. Under no circumstances may a delegate bring any personal software, storage device or laptop unless they have prior approval from IT-IQ Botswana Management. Internet access is only provided when it is deemed necessary for the effectiveness of the course.
4.3.6. A light lunch and refreshments will accompany all courses. We will not be obligated to cater for individual needs should the catering not meet individual preferences.
4.3.7. A certificate of attendance will be issued to delegates who completed the course successfully in accordance with required training standards. Certificates of competency are issued by the governing body of the course taken after successful completion of the certification exams.
4.3.8. IT-IQ Botswana reserves the right to change course contents and material at any point to maximize benefit to the course delegates.
4.3.9. Course material and Labs provided to delegates are subject to copyright laws and under no circumstances may they be copied or distributed.
4.3.10. Training Labs and Digital Courseware content is subject to the Terms & Conditions of the issuing authority.
4.3.11. All equipment, course materials, class demonstrations, trainer content, & multimedia content made available are made available by IT-IQ Botswana without warranties or guarantees of any kind.
4.3.12. All prices quotes are COD. Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment or approved company PO must be received 5 days prior to the commencement of training.
4.3.13. For Virtual Training: Student must provide hardware resources for training if at home or own office. Make sure they have good working internet to support the training.
4.3.14. For Digital or e-Learning Content: This licence provided is limited, and non-transferable and cannot be shared or exchanged with others. There are no refunds once e-learning or digital content is purchased for the client (whether the licence is activated or not).

4.4.1. IT-IQ Botswana reserves the right to change, reschedule or cancel course dates.
4.4.2. IT-IQ Botswana will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the client/student as a result of a cancellation or reschedule. Every effort will be made to inform the client/student of changes.
4.4.3. Any fees paid, in regard to a reschedule (by IT-IQ Botswana) will either be fully refunded to the client or credited to a future training course.
4.4.4. Any fees paid, in regard to the cancellation of a class will either be fully refunded to the client or credited to a future training

4.4.5. Refunds will not be issued as a result of our inability to provide training due to load shedding, water disruptions, or suspension of training due to COVID-19 infections.
4.4.6. Should a candidate fall ill or have visible symptoms of an infectious disease [point 4.1.4 above] will be asked to reschedule their exam or continue with their training virtually or reschedule their training.
4.4.7. Refunds will not be issued in the “Event of Force Majeure” which means an event beyond the control IT-IQ Botswana, such as: Acts of God (such as, but not limited to, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, and floods). War, hostilities invasion, act of foreign enemies, mobilization, requisition, or embargo. Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war. Riot, commotion, strikes, go-slows, lock-outs or disorder. Acts or threats of terrorism. Government-imposed restriction of business trading hours and mode of operation (e.g. lockdowns).
4.4.8. Any client that books training but does not show up to class will be charged the full fees for the course and will be provided with any training material that was purchased for their class.
4.4.9. The client may cancel their training booking up to 2 weeks before the start of training. If, however logistical arrangements for out-of-town trainers have been made and paid for the client will be responsible for that portion of the cost. If a client cancels training, and has already made payment for the training, then a 15% admin fee (of the total cost of training), will be levied to process the refund.
4.4.10. For testing exams that are booked online directly by the client, IT-IQ Botswana will not be able to engage the test provider for a reschedule or refund or cancellation. This transaction is directly between the client and the test provider.
4.4.11. For exams booked via IT-IQ Botswana, once the exam is booked and paid for it cannot be refunded. Reschedules may be requested but is at the discretion of the testing body and may require supporting documentation from the client.
4.4.12. Any exams booked must be taken within 3 months from the date of booking else the booking will be void.

5.1. Course attendees are offered free telephone support for a period of 2 months after successful completion of the course for a maximum of 8 hours. Additional support is chargeable at an hourly rate of P400 per hour or a part thereof. We do not guarantee a pass mark for any examination subsequent to receiving any of IT-IQ Botswana’s services.

6.1. IT-IQ Botswana will not accept any liability for any personal injury or loss of belongings that may occur at our premises.